HQWM Player Accommodation/Transport Considerations

There have been changes to the way the accommodation and internal travel arrangements are being done this year.

If you are considering nominating for a QLD Women’s Masters Team please read the following carefully, as if selected, you will be asked to select the category of accommodation in your acceptance letter.

Players will have the following options for accommodation in Hobart:

a) Stay at HQ booked accommodation with other team members
b) Stay at HQ booked accommodation with family members
c) Arrange their own accommodation elsewhere
N.B. Players will have to commit to their choice of accommodation at acceptance of selection

Further to the above, when making your decision about the category of accommodation you wish to choose you must take into consideration the following information.

HQ have booked accommodation at a number of different venues in Hobart.

Team managers and coaches will be staying at HQ-sourced accommodation and hire cars/transport will be based from there.

For those staying at self-sourced accommodation it will be your responsibility to get yourself to and from the HQ-sourced accommodation for team meetings and functions, and for lifts to and from the hockey.

If you have your own car you may choose to offer that up as a private vehicle to be used (and thereby claim pre-agreed reimbursement).

Attendance is compulsory at:

  • All players need to be in Hobart by 6pm Tues 23rd Sept
  • All official pre-Championship training in Hobart – Wed 24th & Thurs 25th Sept
  • Team meetings, organised team meals, and functions
  • All matches throughout the HA Championship (at set times before and after games as advised by the team manager)
  • Contingent functions including Meet & Greet (Wed 24th Sept), Opening Ceremony (TBC), Contingent Dinner (TBC), Closing Ceremony (Sat 4th Oct)