After sixty years involvement across three generations, Judy Aitkenhead has retired from playing, but her love of hockey will keep her involved in the game she loves.

The Gladstone icon first took the chance to play hockey in the No. 1 Team at Kelvin Grove Teachers Training College in 1957, going against her father’s warning who was dead against her playing a sport that was “far too dangerous for girls”.
Hockey became her lifelong pursuit, outside of family and teaching of course. After more than 60 years of hockey life, including 30 years in masters for local and state teams, Judy has now retired from playing. However, she is still involved today in Coaching Women’s Masters, Technical Officer duties, cheer squad leader for her children and grandchildren’s teams as well as a regular supporter for the Queensland Women’s Masters Teams playing in the National Championships.
Judy, lovingly referred to as “Fossil” by her team mates, made her debut as a Queensland Masters 50s player in 1999, captained the inaugural Queensland Master’s 55s team in 2003 and rounded her Queensland representative career off in the 2010 60s team. During this time she assisted in establishing the Queensland 50+, then 55+, then 60+ State Teams as the age groups expanded at Nationals. Judy’s role in the development of Hockey Queensland Women’s Masters was recognised by players and officials at the 2019 Championship Dinner. She has played for and coached many Association and Club teams. She has also held the position of Tournament Director for two State Championships held in Gladstone.
She was awarded the first Certificate issued to a Queensland Technical Officer in 1994 and also attained Level 1 Technical Certificate, “C” Umpiring Badge and a Level 2 Coaching Certificate, and
has been awarded the Centenary Medal for services to Sport and Education and the Australia Day Senior Sportsperson Award.
After having played, coached, chaired at both Association and Club in Gladstone, umpired, and been a Technical official for many years, as of 2020, Judy held Life Membership with Gladstone and District Association and her Club Souths, is a Queensland Gold Medal Club Member, is the recipient of Hockey Queensland 30-year Service Certificate, is an immediate past President of her Club, a Technical Delegate and a Gladstone Association Women’s Master’s Coach.
2020 bought the count for Judy’s family members in playing, coaching and/or administrative roles in their clubs to 22. Her six children and most of her grandchildren play, coach or are involved just as Judy has been. Her proudest ‘hockey mum’ moments have been watching all her children and grandchildren successfully play for their state at Nationals, especially Leanne at Sydney and Susan at the Gold Coast 2020.
… The Aitkenhead family story will continue …