Kedron Wavell Hockey Club DP3 team this year was a very special team consisting of 4 Mother daughter combinations, an aunty and a grandmother as the Manager.

They also had 2 very talented juniors in Keeley and Meg and sadly their mate Natalie Andrea didn’t finish the season with the DP3 team, but next year they hope she will be back.
Juliet Hancock and her sister Caels Ian Hanker-Newty started playing with City United in the 1980s. Caels has been playing, coaching and managing teams for 30 years for Kedron Wavell Hockey Club.
Elaine Badini has played for 40 years for this Club and has represented Qld for 4 years, being the Captain 2 years in a row. Her daughter Kathryn has played for Kedron Wavell for 20 years.
What made the DP3 team so special in 2019 was not that they made a Grand Final, it was the team culture of respect and the social connections that made this a wonderful season. There are many reasons they all play hockey, but over the years it’s the people like Judy Keen and Elaine Badini, Caels and Brianna Hancock that become the rationale behind why they play. While it’s great to celebrate the winners, it’s also important to celebrate why some of them continue to play and for people like Elaine, Judy and Caels, thank them for their ongoing contributions to the club.