QWMH History
A Brief History of Queensland Women’s Veteran’s/Masters Hockey as the 40th Anniversary is Celebrated in 2025
In 2025 we celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Queensland Women’s Masters Hockey at the State Championships. This celebration contributes to the foresight from the many ‘pioneers’, who foresaw the need for the mature athlete to continue to compete and achieve.
Queensland Women’s Masters Hockey or “Vets” Hockey, as we called it back then, began in 1985 with the first State Championship being held in Townsville. Four teams representing Townsville, Brisbane, Cairns and Mackay participated. The first Vets Championships were played in conjunction with the Queensland Open Women’s State Championships. It wasn’t until 1994 in Bundaberg, when team numbers had increased to 20 that Women’s Masters were able to conduct their own State Championships.
Suddenly everyone wanted to be old enough to play in the Vets competition. While the games were played at a high level of intensity and competitiveness, more importantly it gave players the opportunity to compete against hockey athletes of their own age. Camaraderie, friendships and respect flourished as players from all over the State were now competing on a level playing ground as equals against their old rivals from the past.
The game has continued to grow from 4 teams in 1985 to 52 teams in 2024 competing in 6 Divisions at State Championships. The Women’s Masters State Championships have the largest participation in Queensland Hockey at a single event. As we grow, the “bench mark” continues to elevate to a more professional level.
Currently HQWM teams representing all age groups from 34 plus to 69 plus are selected during the State Championships. These Queensland Teams compete at the Hockey Australia Masters National Championships annually where Australian Master’s Teams are selected to compete internationally. These events include Trans-Tasman Challenge and World Cup.
These opportunities would never have been possible if it hadn’t been for the continued efforts and commitments given by so many hard-working, dedicated people in all our Associations over the last 40 years. With the forming of the HQWMC in 1996 working in conjunction with HQ, we have established a connected Network, not only with HQ, but with all Queensland Associations, giving us more opportunities to work through domestic and state issues guiding and promoting the game. With this, the HQWM Association Service Award was introduced in 2015, this Award has honored those hard-working members of all Associations, providing younger members coming through ,incentives for Women’s Masters throughout Queensland.
The 40th anniversary is an ideal opportunity to reflect on the enjoyment had and friendships made over the years. We hope that many past and present players and officials can join together in Cairns from 13th to 15th June to celebrate this milestone.
We once again thank Hockey Queensland for their support and the founders of Women’s Masters in Queensland for their vision to provide an environment where masters’ athletes can continue to compete, strive and achieve their aspirations in the game we all love so much.