This year the endearing red and white characters from Redlands Hockey Association returned to the HQ Women’s Masters Championships (HQWMC) with a fun interactive dance to take out the inaugural “Best Warm Up Routine” award.

The Redlands (RHA) Women’s Masters teams first adopted “The Where’s Wally” persona at the HQWMC in Townsville in 2018 as a fun, recognisable team travel shirt and hat. From the start, it was enjoyed by others wherever they went. As their numbers increase, everyone in their two teams, including coaches, managers, umpires, and tech officials wear the “official off field uniform. When RHA saw the announcement from HQWMC of prizes for “best dressed” and “best warm up” awards, they thought this would be perfect for Redlands to take on, as they love to “have fun and entertain” both on and off the field.
After many suggestions and much googling and “youTubing”, they found the song, “Cha Cha Slide” by DJ Casper – a catchy tune with an easy-to-understand routine explained in the lyrics. They shared the song video to the teams to learn the choreography and practise at home, with one rehearsal at a Sunday training. Though some of the more serious players were hesitant, they found by lifting the intensity it could double as a fun but effective pre warm up where both teams could join in and get warm together in freezing Warwick! Having others join in was a bonus!
The Redlands Masters teams put their well-earned prize up for their weekly Saturday raffle at their grass competition. Combined with their teams’ fine money from the Championships they raised $500 that week and donated the money to the Redlands Centre for Women – a fabulous contribution back to the women in their community!
The Redlands “Wally” uniform also makes an appearance at any opportunity, like “crazy hair day” and junior presentation day in their local competition, Brisbane Blaze hockey games, and any time a dress up is mentioned! Though this was the first year for a “Wally dance”, who knows what they have in store for everyone next year!
Here is the link to the one of the warmups at the HQWMC championships: